🚨 Important Announcement 🚨
Class Schedule Update
Write These Dates Down
Class is held every Saturday at 9am PST. Class Announcements and schedule will be sent to your email every week once you have created your account. Class will also be posted to our Facebook group.
If you have questions, please let us know!
So, How Do These Live Class Connects Work Exactly?
We use a platform called Zoom. It has the ability to connect our students from all across the globe, and enables them to attend live classes on Saturdays.
From South Africa, to Brazil, to Australia, to the USA and many more countries... this platform has given us the ability to cross international barriers, and broaden our LIVE training!
Class Connect sessions range from 45 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes.
***Class Connect sessions will either be teaching on a subject that is NOT taught in the main AMI Fivefold Ministry Campus video lectures or a time of ministry for the Associates and Scholars.
These are sessions that keep you motivated and connected with your fellow Associates and Scholars, to continue moving forward throughout your training process.
These live Class Connect sessions are full of impartation, peer interaction, lesson-based Q&A, and... ministry help from our Fivefold Ministry Campus Pastors.
How Do You Join Class Connects?
Well, this part is quite simple! We will send you the link to join the Zoom Class Connect weekly via email and Mighty Networks (read more about Mighty Networks below).
Here’s What You Do:
- Look out for weekly email and/or Mighty Network updates
- Click on the Zoom link provided
- That's it. You're in!!
- Before you start interacting in live class on Zoom, typing in your questions and comments via chat, please change the setting on the chat option from "All Panelists" to "All Panelists and Attendees". This way, everyone present can see what you type and you can interact with EVERYONE present and not just the host of the meeting.
Mighty Networks
Mighty Networks is a social media app that we ask all students to download. Once you become a Fivefold Ministry Campus Associate or Scholar, you will be added to our Fivefold Ministry Campus Circle.
In this Mighty Networks Circle, Associates and Scholars of the Fivefold Ministry Campus, Campus Pastors, the #NextGen Prophets Team, and the Founding Apostles - Apostles Craig and Colette Toach engage and interact with one another.
If you have any questions about how Live Class Connects work, please email us at [email protected] or call us at +1 (760) 690 - 3594, Tuesday - Saturday, 9am - 5pm (PST).